Dring Blood, Cure Seizures?
In ancient Rome, the spectacle of gladiatorial combat extended beyond mere entertainment to the realm of medicine, where the blood and organs of fallen warriors served as macabre remedies. Roman physicians, lacking scientific understanding of epilepsy, earnestly prescribed the warm blood from a gladiator's slit throat as a powerful elixir for those suffering from s...

Forget Band-Aids:Ā Spiders Might Be Your Next First Aid Kit
Spider webs aren't just for catching flies anymore - they might be your next medical breakthrough. Scientists have discovered that spider web ointment significantly speeds up wound healing in laboratory tests, outperforming traditional treatments like povidone iodine. This age-old remedy, commonly used in Indian traditional medicine,...

How Dead Birds and a Medieval Writer CreatedĀ Valentine's DayĀ
Think Valentine's Day is all about romance? Think again! The holiday actually traces back to not one, but possibly three different St. Valentines who were all martyred in the third century CE. These holy men shared some wild coincidences - two of them were beheaded on the same day in Rome, both supposedly cured blindness, and both...
