Sign up here for all the news on critical care and resuscitation from last week!
ResusNation #106
Dring Blood, Cure Seizures?
In ancient Rome, the spectacle of gladiatorial combat extended beyond mere entertainment to the realm of medicine, where the blood and organs of fallen warriors served as macabre remedies. Roman physicians, lacking scientific understanding of epilepsy, earnestly pres...
Mar 03, 2025
ResusNation #105
Forget Band-Aids: Spiders Might Be Your Next First Aid Kit
Spider webs aren't just for catching flies anymore - they might be your next medical breakthrough. Scientists have discovered that spider web ointment significantly speeds up wound healing in laboratory tests, outperforming traditional...
Feb 24, 2025
ResusNation #104
How Dead Birds and a Medieval Writer Created Valentine's Day
Think Valentine's Day is all about romance? Think again! The holiday actually traces back to not one, but possibly three different St. Valentines who were all martyred in the third century CE. These holy men shared some wild coincid...
Feb 17, 2025
ResusNation #103
The 1% Difference
That Makes You Human
We're practically identical twins with chimps when it comes to DNA, sharing a remarkable 98.8% of our genetic code. This similarity stems from our shared ancestor roughly 6-7 million years ago, but don't let that number fool you – even a tiny 1.2% differ...
Feb 10, 2025
ResusNation #102
Doctors Were Stunned When
Patients Started Dancing
In a twist of medical serendipity, the 1950s hunt for a tuberculosis cure led to something completely unexpected - the first antidepressant. When doctors at Staten Island's Sea View Hospital started testing a new drug called iproniazid, they w...
Feb 03, 2025
ResusNation #101
Anti-Aging Creams?
Maybe You Just Need Jelly (Fish)
Meet the ultimate escape artist of the animal kingdom: the Turritopsis dohrnii, a jellyfish smaller than your pinky nail that's basically found nature's fountain of youth. Unlike its mortal cousins who follow the boring old path of birth, lif...
Jan 27, 2025
...Today Everyone Wins!
Today three more people won lifetime access to the ResusX:Select Series..but as of today we are no longer doing the giveaway. Sorry, it had to end sometime.
...but if you know me, I'm a real softie and I don't like seeing people not win things...that's why I'm giving away our two-day cardiac arr...
Jan 25, 2025
Your Last Chance To Win!
Congrats to our three winners from yesterday who have been emailed and now have instant access to their videos!
Today we're giving away three more lifetime passes for our ResusX:Select Series. So if you didn't win the past two episodes, then enter now and you have a chance to win lifetime acce...
Jan 23, 2025
It's Giveaway Time!
Congrats to our three winners from yesterday who have been notified!
Today we're giving away three more lifetime passes for our ResusX:Select Series. If you didn't win, then enter now and you have a chance to win lifetime access to 75 of our most viewed lectures from previous conferences.
Jan 22, 2025
It's Giveaway Time!
Today we're giving away three lifetime passes for our ResusX:Select Series. Enter now and you have a chance to win lifetime access to 75 of our most viewed lectures from previous conferences.
This giveaway is exclusively for our newsletter subscribers as a thank you for following us on the jo...
Jan 21, 2025
ResusNation #100 (links fixed)
Welcome to the 100th
edition of ResusNation!!!
Click on the link here to watch my message. Please reach out at [email protected] if I can help you with anything at all.
Thank you for being part of the ResusNation!
Ear Today, Gone Tomorrow
You may have heard that too much furosemide can s...
Jan 20, 2025
ResusNation #100
Welcome to the 100th
edition of ResusNation!!!
Click on the link here to watch my message. Please reach out at [email protected] if I can help you with anything at all.
Thank you for being part of the ResusNation!
Ear Today, Gone Tomorrow
You may have heard that too much furosemide can s...
Jan 20, 2025