$749.00 USD

ResusX Ready

Procedural Workshop

When a life is on the line will you be able to perform a life-saving procedure to save your patient? Whether it's procedures that you rarely perform like cricothyroidotomy or something you do daily, this workshop is for you.

Our expert proceduralist faculty will break down every micro skill for you and give you the time and space to practice until you have the confidence to crush every procedure. Only 20 spots are available to ensure a 4:1 learner-to-faculty ratio. You can also earn up to 12.0 hours AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™

Procedures covered include:

  • Intubation with DL & VL
  • Nasotracheal Intubation
  • Pediatric intubation
  • Pediatric needle cric
  • Trach Emergencies
  • Fiberoptic intubation
  • Cricothyroidotomty
  • Surgical Chest Tubes
  • Pigtail Catheters
  • Transvenous Pacing
  • Central Access  Microskills Masterclass (covers IJ, SC, Femoral, and Mid-lines)
  • Pericardiocentesis
  • Lateral Canthotomy
  • Intraosseous Lines
  • Resuscitative hysterotomy / Perimortem c/s
  • Blakemore tubes
  • Pelvis Binder
  • Mega Sim